I've found a fawn, elk calf, or antelope...

what do I do?

Please consult with a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) officer, or animal control officer before intervening!

Under Colorado law, it is illegal to possess any species of wildlife without a license. This is where licensed rehabilitators like us come in! In addition to being licensed to take care of wildlife, we have the ability to provide injured and orphaned wildlife with the best nutrition, appropriate medical care, and are usually able to pair them with their own kind so they can thrive and learn proper behaviors for their species.

It is legal, however, for the general public to capture an injured wild animal and transport it to a willing veterinarian, CPW, or licensed rehabilitator.

Does this fawn need rescue?

Mother deer, elk, and antelope often leave their babies unattended for hours at a time, because the babies are safer alone than with their mothers. As a result, many fawns each year are kidnapped from their mothers by people who mean well, but don't realize the fawn is safe and sound.

Unless you know for certain that the mother has been killed, it is best to consult with a licensed rehabilitator, and check on the fawn for 12-24 hours before picking it up. Oftentimes, you will see the mother come by to feed her fawn in that time (or the fawn will have moved where it is laying, indicating that its mother came by and fed it).


I'm Fine!

Though it looks sick or injured, this fawn is displaying natural behavior while it waits for its mother to return.

If a fawn is in immediate danger because of its location, it is fine to move it a short distance away from the road/water/other danger. Its mother will still accept it, and she'll be sure to find it when she comes back to feed.

If you are certain that the fawn is orphaned, please contact your local wildlife rehabilitator for assistance and advice. It is important to get the fawn to a rehabilitator as soon as possible - fawns have sensitive digestive systems and need professional care. 

Help keep animals like fawns and elk calves safe by keeping your dogs on a leash during baby season! Roaming dogs account for many fawn injuries and deaths every spring, and being chased by a dog wastes precious energy the animal needs to survive!

Useful Contacts:


(970) 896-6895 (call or text)


Pitkin County Animal Control Dispatch


CPW - Canyon Creek Office


CPW - Grand Junction Office

(970) 255-6100

CPW - Meeker Office

(970) 878-6090

CPW - Hot Sulphur Springs Office

(970) 725-6200