Please consult with a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) officer, or animal control officer before intervening! Picking up an animal and bringing it to rehab or caring for it yourself is not always the best option for that animal.

where should they go?

Under Colorado law, it is illegal to possess any species of wildlife without a license. Veterinarians can provide immediate care, but the animal must end up in the care of CPW or a wildlife rehabilitator once it is stabilized.

This is where licensed rehabilitators like PSSWF come in! In addition to being legally able to take care of them, we have the ability to provide injured and orphaned wildlife with the best nutrition, appropriate medical care, and are usually able to pair them with their own kind so they can thrive and learn proper behaviors for their species. Coming to a wildlife rehablitation center instead of being rehabilitated at home is an animal’s best chance of returning to the wild AND surviving after release.

It is legal, however, for the general public to capture an injured wild animal and transport it to a willing veterinarian, CPW, or licensed rehabilitator.

CAPTURing Wildlife

PSSWF is a volunteer-based organization and relies on the general public to capture and bring animals to us. We do have a small team of transport volunteers that can sometimes assist with getting an animal to us.

If you are certain that the animal needs rescue, please contact your local wildlife rehabilitator for assistance and advice and follow these guidelines:

If you can safely catch the animal and get it in a kennel, crate, or box, place it in a dark, quiet area until you are able to contact us. Please keep your own safety in mind - beware of teeth, claws, beaks, talons, and the environment around you!

If you are unable to catch the animal, you may try to herd it into a yard or some other area it cannot get out of until we, or another wildlife service, can arrive. It’s best for injured animals to be out of direct sunlight, severe weather, and away from pets and roads while they wait for rescue.

Once caught, it is important to get the animal to a rehabilitator as soon as possible - wild animals stress easily around humans. Keep them in a quiet, safe place away from predators, direct sun, and bad weather until you can get them to your nearest rehab facility. Do not feed the animal (even babies) unless directed to do so by your local rehabber. You may offer a dish of water, but do not force water down the animal.

Useful Contacts:


(970) 896-6895

(call or text)


Pitkin County Animal Control Dispatch


CPW - Canyon Creek Office


CPW - Grand Junction Office

(970) 255-6100

CPW - Meeker Office

(970) 878-6090

CPW - Hot Sulphur Springs Office

(970) 725-6200